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I see you

In the work that I do daily, I am meeting and seeing the women who are so gracious and generous, almost to their own detriment. I see you burning yourself out, sacrificing your needs, silencing your desires and suffering from anxiety and unhappiness.


You deserve to be happy too. 


I want you to have the opportunity to reconnect to yourself and to share that in connection and community with other women going through the same thing. 


I myself feel passionate about this topic because I do identify as a people pleaser too! I know how hard it is to set your personal boundaries to harness self-love and I've been working on it for a long time. 

I want to share what I know with you and provide a space for you to be seen, heard and held by other amazing women too. 



Feme Flow

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A chance to dive into the depths of feminine wisdom and celebrate the power and beauty of authentic self-expression. Embrace your feminine essence and unlock a world of joy, connection, and personal fulfillment.

This virtual workshop series is an invitation to connect both with yourself and other women on the themes of:


core needs

shadow work


self-compassion practices





I have a plan for the process but honestly I would enjoy if the sessions are an organic experience where what needs to emerge is given the space to arise. 


I allowed this course to unfold on the full moon in May. I sat, felt an intuitive pull to create and this is what blossomed. In that way, this workshop series itself is an expression of feminine creativity, intuition and authenticity and that's why I am especially lit up by it and I hope you will be too!


If you already feel an intuitive pull, I invite you to follow it. 


We are going to learn things together in this program but more than learning and being informational, this time together is going to be an EXPERIENCE. 


What you can expect:

  • Mindfulness, meditation and somatic practices.

  • Learning, sharing and discussion.

  • Vulnerability and connection.

  • Self-reflection.

  • Interweaving Spirituality and Psychology.

  • Mantras and Movement.



If you participated in my virtual self-acceptance workshop last year it’s similar in the sense that it incorporates the theme of self-acceptance but overall, this program is very different at the same time.  


This workshop is for you if:


If you are feeling the need to reconnect with yourself and reawaken your feminine essence

If you want to grow your capacity and tools for self-compassion

You want to connect with other like-minded women.

If you are ready to dive in and embody your divine feminine flow. 

If you want to feel more embodied, connected and self-confident. 

If you want to set boundaries with grace and feel a deeper sense of self-appreciation.



This workshop is not for you if:


You don't want to do a live course and prefer DIY style programs. 

You don't want to share and connect with other women at this time. 

You don't have the time to meet for 1.5 hrs for three weeks.


Why Feme Flow? 

We live in a masculine world and we've been taught to suppress our feminine essence; our emotions, intuition, creativity and fluidity. 

Remember, you can't be too emotional, too sensitive, too needy etc.? 

Sound familiar?


So, we begin to rely solely on our masculine traits. This however, burns us out because we do not only have masculine energy within us - all humans have both, thus we need to harness and utilize both our masculine and our feminine powers.

Giving for example is a more masculine energetic trait while receiving is more feminine.


So, let's step back into our feminine power together, remember our needs, wants and desires and begin to feel more authentic, deserving and fulfilled. 


Dates: July dates closed. Future dates TBA


Times: all - 8:00-9:30 WET / 3:00-4:30 AST. 


Online - zoom


Cost: 111 euros / $777 TT dollars / $121 US dollars.


What's included: 

3 live, online, 90 minute interactive sessions. 

Take away tasks and self-reflection practices.

Group chat

Bonus items

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If I attended your self-acceptance workshop in 2022, how will this be different?


Firstly, the work we did a year ago could always use a refresh! However, the format of this workshop series is quite different. The focus is less on the intellectual learning of shadow work and self-acceptance and way more on discussion, self-reflection, embodiment and experience. 

This means, there will be more sharing and processing as a group on the topics as well as doing the practices in real time - rather than setting them as personal homework items.


What if I can't make each date?


I would strongly suggest carving out the time in advance for all three sessions. Being there live is 70% of the experience. You can still benefit from the recordings but your participation is highly valued so please be there if you can. :) 

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